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 Cabaña con cocina andaluza   


Situado en las colinas, entre los vívidos campos de olivos, conocido por su belleza natural con grandes vistas panorámicas y aguas cristalinas, muy por encima

de Loja, Ventorros de San José y Zagra, en la impresionante provincia andaluza

de Granada, La Casita De Campo es el lugar perfecto. get-away-from-it-all ',

estancia íntima, alquiler de vacaciones, para dos.

A solo 50 minutos de Granada y 90 minutos de los aeropuertos de Málaga, La Casita está rodeada de algunos de los puntos culturales más importantes

del mundo occidental, y está perfectamente posicionado para visitar las

fabulosas ciudades históricas y bulliciosas de Granada, Málaga, Córdoba y Sevilla.

En los últimos años, el ciclismo también ha visto una oleada de popularidad en

el área. Hay pocos lugares mejores que La Casita para disfrutar de las colinas circundantes y admirar el cielo nocturno y las estrellas y las increíbles vistas del amanecer / atardecer sobre los olivares. Un auto es esencial,¡pero se sorprenderá

de lo barato que es el alquiler de coches en Andalucía!

Pero no te conformes con nuestra palabra ...


"Este es el lugar más increíble para alejarse de todo. Las vistas son impresionantes

y el uso de una piscina enorme con vistas a las montañas es una gran ventaja.

¡Es como un escenario de una película! Me encanta el dormitorio y el salón. el

área está separada, por lo que cocinar y comer están lejos de dormir.
No puedo exagerar la tranquilidad de este entorno, es como la comida para el

alma sin un turista a la vista y no puedo esperar a volver a quedarme. "
DEBORAH L, Londres, Reino Unido - septiembre de 2016

Hace poco estuve aquí por una semana. Las vistas eran impresionantes, y un lugar tan encantador y tranquilo. Volveré. Los propietarios eran muy agradables y serviciales, gente tan encantadora, lo recomendaría. El alojamiento era hermoso

y nunca quise irme a casa. Gracias por unas vacaciones tan hermosas.
PAUL G, Londres, Reino Unido - septiembre de 2016

Vistas maravillosas, ubicación genuinamente española donde estarías hecho en casa en el momento que llegas allí. Poolside es WOW donde iría a nadar, sea cual sea el clima. Se puede ver por millas, fantástica vida silvestre, especialmente canción de pájaroy cielos oscuros para cualquier observador de estrellas.
GAIL P, Reading, Reino Unido - abril de 2017

Si está buscando una escapada VERDADERA sin turistas, sin ruido o contaminación lumínica, solo paz y tranquilidad y las más asombrosas vistas, este

es el lugar. Bellamente renovada casita con dormitorios separados y el uso de una piscina de tamaño casi olímpico hace de esta una verdadera fiesta revitalizante ...

y los anfitriones son muy amables y encantadores. ¡No quería volver a casa!
MERMAIDENESS, Wimbledon, Reino Unido - junio de 2017

Si buscas silencio y paz en el alma, este es un buen lugar.
Lugar fantástico, qué vista! Todo estaba fresco y limpio. Estancia muy tranquila. Graham y Lynn fueron una muy buena pareja anfitriona.
NINA & DENNIS, Gotemburgo, SUECIA - agosto de 2017


Una ubicación realmente tranquila y apartada, pero a poca distancia en coche de

las ciudades / pueblos cercanos con cafeterías y bares y un impresionante paisaje.

La propiedad tenía todo lo que necesitábamos y estaba en buen estado. Nuestro anfitrión y anfitriona (Graham y Lynn) fueron muy amables y serviciales. Recomendamos encarecidamente esto como una excelente relación

calidad-preciopor dinero parte de tus vacaciones.
PETE & YVONNE, The Cotswolds, Reino Unido - septiembre de 2017

Pasamos un tiempo maravilloso en la casita. Es un lugar maravilloso para relajarse, con una espléndida vista del valle al atardecer y al amanecer. Graham y Lynn son anfitriones muy amables, serviciales y puntuales. La región tiene un potencial para caminar. Nos gustó tanto que finalmente no fuimos a Granada o Córdoba

como teníamos en mente. Sí ... y nos dijimos a nosotros mismos ...

qué momento tan maravilloso.
FABIENNE & JOHAN, Amberes, Bélgica - octubre de 2017

Graham fue muy amable, una persona muy atenta que cuidó cada detalle para

hacer que nuestra estancia fuera perfecta. Incluso nos dio una botella de vino y un "paquete de bienvenida", todo fue delicioso. Las camas eran muy cómodas, todo

es de calidad. Este es el lugar perfecto para relajarse, el paisaje es hermoso con

una piscina con vistas a las montañas. En resumen, era el paraíso; volveremos, volveremos. No hay grandes tiendas cerca pero un pequeño

supermercadobien provisto de lo necesario.
MARIE-AUDE & JESSICA, París, Francia - octubre de 2017



La Casita

The highly tranquil, La casita de campo is a country cottage which sleeps up to 4 people, with its own private entrance split over two buildings, linked by a sun-trapped barbecue terrace and outside dining area, which is the perfect location for a spectacular sundown aperitivo. 
The first cottage 

contains a kitchen, diner, lounge (with sofabed),  and shower room.
The second cottage is a very comfortable twin bedroom, with an adjoining ensuite bathroom.



Licensed with the Tourist Office, Junta de Andalucia VTAR/GR/01380



You have your own private-gated entrance, with plenty of room for car parking;  and your own sun/barbecue terrace and garden.



We provide fresh bed linen and bath towels on a weekly basis. We even provide you with your own pool towels, should you decide to swim.



You are very welcome to have unrestricted use our large swimming pool and Palm Terrace at any time during your stay.

Free Unlimited Wifi


We are delighted to provide our guests with free WiFi and internet connection during your stay.








Located in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada mountains, just 50 minutes from La Casita, Granada is internationally revered for its lavish Alhambra palace, and enshrined in medieval history as the last stronghold of the Moors in Western Europe, Granada is the darker, more complicated cousin of sunny, exuberant Seville. Humming with a feisty cosmopolitanism and awash with riddles, question marks, contradictions and myths, this is a place to put down your guidebook and let your intuition lead the way – through the narrow ascending streets of the Albayzín, and the tumbling white-walled house gardens of the Realejo quarter. Elegant yet edgy, grandiose but gritty, monumental but marked by pockets of stirring graffiti, 21st-century Granada is anything but straightforward. Instead, this stunning city is an enigmatic place where – if the mood is right – you sense you might find something that you’ve long been looking for. A free tapa, perhaps? An inspirational piece of street art? A flamenco performance that finally unmasks the intangible spirit of duende?









Drenched for most of the year in spirit-enriching sunlight, Seville is a city of feelings as much as sights.

Like all great cities, Seville has historical layers. Roman ruins testify the settlement’s earliest face, memories of the Moorish era flicker like medieval engravings in the Santa Cruz quarter, while the riverside Arenal reeks of lost colonial glory. Yet, one of the most remarkable things about modern Seville is its ability to adapt and etch fresh new brushstrokes onto an ancient canvas. The capital city of Andulucia, Seville is famous for flamenco dancing. Major landmarks include the ornate Alcázar castle complex, built by the Moors, and the 18th century Plaza de la Maestranza bullring. Seville's gothic cathedral is the site of Christopher Columbus's tomb. 

Andalucían Cultural Sites


The scent of orange blossom, the thrash of a flamenco guitar, the glimpse of a white village perched spectacularly atop a crag: memories of Andalucía stay with you like collected souvenirs.
Part of the fascination Andalucía holds for people, springs from its peculiar history. For eight centuries the region sat on a porous frontier between two different faiths and ideologies, Christianity and Islam. Left to ferment like a barrel of the bone-dry local sherry, the ongoing cross-fertilisation has thrown up a slew of cultural colossi: ancient mosques transformed into churches; vast palace complexes replete with stucco; a cuisine infused with dashes of North African spices; and a chain of lofty white towns that dominates the arid, craggy landscape, from the tightly knotted lanes of Granada's Albayzín to the hilltop settlements of Cádiz province.
One of Andalucía's most intriguing and mysterious attractions is the notion of duende, the elusive spirit that douses much of Spanish art, especially flamenco. Duende loosely translates as a moment of heightened emotion experienced during an artistic performance, and it can be soulfully evoked in Andalucía if you mingle in the right places. Seek it out in a Lorca play at a municipal theatre, an organ recital in a Gothic church, the hit-or-miss spontaneity of a flamenco peña (club) or the remarkable art renaissance currently gripping Málaga.


One building alone is enough to put Córdoba high on any traveller's itinerary: the mesmerising multiarched Mezquita. One of the world's greatest Islamic buildings, it's a symbol of the worldly and sophisticated Islamic culture that flourished here more than a millennium ago when Córdoba was the capital of Islamic Spain, and Western Europe's biggest and most cultured city. Once here, you'll find there's much more to this city: Córdoba is a great place for exploring on foot or by bicycle, staying and eating well in old buildings centred on verdant patios, diving into old wine bars, and feeling millennia of history at every turn. The narrow streets of the old Judería (Jewish quarter) and Muslim quarter stretch out from the great mosque like capillaries, some clogged with tourist bric-a-brac, others delightfully peaceful. The life of the modern city focuses around Plaza de las Tendillas, where you'll find a more boisterous vibe with some excellent bars and restaurants. Andalucía's major river, the Guadalquivir, flows just below the Mezquita, and the riverfront streets are home to a growing band of lively restaurants and bars making the most of the view.









Located only 40 minutes from La Casita, Iznájar to all intents and purposes, overlooks an 'inland sea' some thirty kilometres long, and containing an estimated 900 million cubic metres of water.
The cobalt-blue water lake below has given further resonance to Iznájar's unofficial title as the Mirador (viewpoint) del Genil.
In effect, Iznajar now offers the perfect setting for anyone wanting to live in the interior but still retain a 'sea' view' and that includes its fabulous uncrowded beach, where you can swim and participate in all forms of watersports.  
Situated near the southerly border of Córdoba province, it serves as a natural entrance to the Sierra Subbéticas Natural Park. 
The Sierras Subbéticas is a stunningly beautiful, rugged park located in the heart of Andalucia between the three great cities of Cordoba, Granada and Seville. It is home to one of southern Spain's largest breeding colonies of griffon vultures, as well as around 70 other bird species, like booted, Bonelli's and short-toed eagles. It also has a rich variety of wildflowers.








Málaga is a world apart from the adjoining Costa del Sol: a historic and culturally rich provincial capital which has long lived in the shadow of the iconic Andalucian cities of Granada, Córdoba and Seville. Yet, it has rapidly emerged as the province's city of culture with its so-called 'mile of art' being compared to Madrid, and its dynamism and fine dining to Barcelona.

The tastefully restored historic centre is a delight: its Gothic cathedral is surrounded by narrow pedestrian streets flanked by traditional and modern bars, and shops that range from idiosyncratic and family owned, to urban-chic and contemporary. 


"This is just the most amazing place to get away from it all. The views are astonishing and having the use of such a huge pool overlooking the mountains an enormous bonus. It's like a setting from a film! I love that the bedroom and lounge area are separate so cooking and eating are away from sleeping. I cannot overstate the peacefulness of this environment, it's like food for the soul with not a tourist in sight and I can't wait to stay again. "



Licensed with the Tourist Office, Junta de Andalucia VTAR/GR/01380

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